Friday, December 16, 2011

crocin ( read as cro sin )

Crocin .. the most common headache / bodyache / fever pill, very commonly uadminisitered by pet owners for the same reasons .. without knowing that very few human drugs can be used safely in pets ..
its tragic that crocin can cause death in pets .. last week a weak rabbit died due to crocin toxicity .. paracetamol the drug contained in crocin is nephrotoxic ( toxic to the kidneys ) in cats , dogs ( in the long run )and almost all other pets .. Administering crocin or any other drug containing paracetamol would be harmful to your pet ..
kindly always consult your vet before giving any home remedy for any mild fever to your pet .. your home remedy could just shorten / fasten its journey with you .. best of luck

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Dog bites / Bites from any animals ..

Dog bite or a bite from any animal to your pet .. irrespective of vaccination status should be attended by your vet on an urgent basis ..
depending on the biter's vaccination status or health your vet may sugest you to go for a t.t plus rabies 3/5 injection course ..
bypassing this very important protocol may result in grievous irreversible effects like rabies / tetanus and death..
till date, around the world only 3 cases of live, rabies affected human beings are reported .. rest all others have succumbed..

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Happy Diwali to all pet owners and their pet Angels..
Fortunately this year less crackers are seen giving some respite to the pets and us humans from the air pollution ..
inspite of that some pets especially dogs are under tremendous stress.. owners should take care of their pets.. spend more time and comfort them .. coax them ..
feeding icecream/ ice cubes also helps.. or even special veterinary anti-anxiety pills help in some dogs..

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Prevention is better than cure ..

After years the phrase still holds good .. some simple steps will help you avoid a plethora of problems and distress for your pet and your pocket..
fortunately these times newer exclusive health poducts are now available in india .. though the west has an unbeatable range.. we are catching up.. its taking much longer because of our govt policies..
deworming , vaccination and few more steps would comprehensively allow your pet to live almost problem free life .. for more details one can reach me at my clinic .. call 9892109695 /9820534049..
a tailor made programme would be made for your pet according to its species , breed , age and health issues existing or common with the breed..

What Happens When...

we feed Raw Meat to dogs / cats ..
ideally canines and felines diet sholud contain raw meat .. BUT .. in india we do not enjoy that kind of hygiene in the slaughter house .. the cold chain and other aspects .. so its safe to give cooked meat and better off to give dry and wet super premium foods to both cats and dogs .. which provide a more balanced option and also covers several aspects like immunity development and helps maintain the gut flora ..

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Pet financial management

Its discouraging to see a majority of pet owners not willing to spend on their pets.. food expenses ..medicine costs.. its like bringing kids in this world and than not look after them, their schooling and careers..
pet owners are laidback when it comes to a health check and only at their convenience get him to the vet..which is discouraging and hence delays the recovery thereby increasing the costs of treatments..

Thursday, March 31, 2011


Exercising your pets is very essential.. Many pet owners treat their pets like furniture .. no walks .. just take them out for the job and back home immediatley .. which is a complete no - no ..
 On an average a pet dog needs 1-1.5 hrs walk outdoors per day .. kindly walk daily for both your and your pets health..

Unsafe Foods For Your Pet Dog

The clichéd saying that Dog is a man’s best friend, cannot be stretched to mean that your beloved pooch can eat out of your plate. Yes, many animal rights activists may argue that separating the dog during dinner time is a crime against them, but they will all agree that dogs are essentially different from human beings, especially in matters of food. For example, we all love chocolate and know that a small amount of chocolate, especially dark chocolate, is good for us and acts as an anti oxidant. However, for the dogs, the darker the chocolate, the more poisonous it can get. Chocolate has, in fact, been long acknowledged as dangerously toxic for dogs. There are many other substances that are toxic for dogs, many of which people do not know about. Read on to know what substances are toxic for your canine confidante.

Foods that are Toxic To Dogs

Many men offer a sip of beer to their best friend but what they are doing is in fact creating an effect like – stuffing a huge ball of cotton up your dogs nose. Dogs feels intoxicated with just a little sip. Bear leads to increased heart rates, fevers, seizure and even death. So avoid drinking in front of your four legged friend and don’t give him ‘some’ as you usually do with tit bits of food scrap.

Apples, Apricots, Peaches, Cherries
All the fruits mentioned above are very healthy for us, but is poison for the dogs. These fruits contain a form of cyanide compound that poisons the dog if he eats the stems, seeds, or leaves.

Everything in an avocado is toxic for your dog. The substance in avocados is called persin, a derivative of fatty acid. Its consumption causes difficulty in breathing, accumulation of fluid around the heart, vomiting, diarrhea, congestion, and heart failure, leading to death.

Baking Soda/ Powder
Found in almost all the kitchens. It is a combination of baking soda and a mild acid usually tartaric acid. If the dog eats large amounts it can lead to muscle spasms, electrolyte changes and congestive heart failure. Found in cakes, biscuits, and any other cooked foods at home or outside.

There is nothing more dangerous than chocolate for a dog. Many people are aware and take precautions, but the dogs love chocolates like humans but even one bite is dangerous. Chocolate contains theobromine, which is present naturally. The dark chocolates have more theobromine. Even a small amount gets into the dogs bloodstream can cause irregular heartbeat, diarrhea and many gastrointestinal problems, even heart attack, internal bleeding, coma and death.

Onions and Garlic
Both onions and garlic contain a chemical called thiosulphate, which make it  toxic for your dog. Their level remains the same even after cooking, microwave or processing. It can cause diarrhea, gastrointestinal problems, and vomiting. Dogs do not have an enzyme in their body that humans have to help digest and assimilate thiosulphate.

Fatty Foods
Dogs love fatty foods and those rich in salt. Excessive amounts can cause pancreatitis bringing on abdominal pain, acute vomiting and diarrhea.

In case of being poisoned
Do not panic. Get to your Vet ASAP! Help him to find out what your dog ate. Check if he has eaten house plants, or cleaning agents, alcohol etc.
Normally dogs eat grass to cleanse their system however, at times this does not work. Consult your vet before giving any remedy including home grown ones.

Monday, March 14, 2011

New Pet Kinds

May We Live In Interesting Times ..
India is now seeing newer kinds of pets more than ever  ..
If you want to own a pet .. you may wanna consider one of these ..


Rats / Mice

Guinea Pigs



Saturday, February 26, 2011

Viola .. Its puppy time and we are expecting a litter that would change our experience for pet rearing..
A serious request for all pet owners ( p.s. cat owners included ) , please see your vet immediately , cos u need to do umpteen things for ur beloved pet not just after delivery , but from before mating  .. so kindly be considerate / sensitive towards your pet to do the do's your vet asks you to..
Happy Barks and Meows

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Pet Times +

Its Boom time for pets and pet owners in india .. such a variety of quality new products, treats , medicines, clothings and every possible things have made life very convenient for all ..
to check all the new stuff .. visit our clinic / pet shop premises ..
angel pets vet clinic
shop-4a , soni towers , next to g-force, haridas nagar,
kalpana chawla chowk, near mac-donalds,

call 022-28630505 / 9892109695 / 9820534049

Monday, February 21, 2011

Doggie Homes +

Just love the formal and informal dog shows happening this time of year .. and a new wave of dog lovers taking up the cause of adoption to a new level .. many even providing foster homes.. very encouraging to witness this .. God Bless these noble souls ..